Human Reources > Policies > Electronic Communications & Internet Usage

Electronic Communications & Internet Usage

This policy sets forth the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts’ (PAFA’s) right to inspect, examine and monitor its computers, computer networks, electronic mail (E-mail) systems, telephone systems (including voice mail) and other electronic communication systems. As most know, the internet contains vast quantities of useless, offensive and illegal material, and provides endless opportunities for browsers to waste hours web-surfing. In addition, electronic communications such as E-mail can be used in highly inappropriate ways. This policy is necessary to protect users, employees and third parties in connection with any misuse of the internet and/or electronic communications. The provisions of this policy have been established to ensure that all employees are responsible, productive users of the internet and electronic communications systems.

This policy shall apply to all PAFA employees and to all employees who access PAFA’s computers, computer networks, E-mail systems, telephone systems and other electronic communications systems from remote areas.

PAFA reserves the right to inspect, examine and monitor the use of its computers, computer networks, E-mail systems, telephone systems (including voice mail) and all other electronic communication systems at any time and without notice.

Voice mail, E-mail, computer files, software or similar property that has been entrusted to employees shall at all times remain the property of PAFA. The equipment and systems have been acquired, installed and maintained at great expense to PAFA and are intended for use in connection with its business. Records, files, software and all electronic communications contained in these systems are, likewise, the property of PAFA. These systems and their contents are subject to inspection, examination and/or monitoring by authorized PAFA personnel for business reasons at any time.

Accordingly, except in situations approved by senior management of PAFA, these systems and equipment should not be used to transmit personal messages.

Examples of business reasons for which PAFA may access employee voice mail, E-mail, computer files, computer networks or other PAFA property include, but are not limited to:

  • Instances when an employee is unavailable, but PAFA must access a system to operate its business.
  • Instances when PAFA management suspects that its property is being used in an unauthorized manner.
  • For quality control purposes or for training activities.
  • To monitor job performance.

PAFA employees are advised to use voice mail and E-mail as cautiously as they would use any other more permanent communication medium such as a memorandum or letter.

Employees must realize that electronic messages:

  • May be copied, saved and read by third parties.
  • May be retrieved even after having been deleted.
  • May be accessed by authorized PAFA personnel for business purposes.

Voice mail messages and E-mail messages should be deleted routinely when no longer needed.

Employees are advised that the computers, computer networks, E-mail systems, telephone systems (including voice mail) and other electronic communication systems (and all communications created, received, stored on or transmitted through those systems) are the sole and exclusive property of PAFA. Accordingly, employees should have no expectation of privacy regarding any such systems and/or communications on those systems.

Passwords are only intended to prevent unauthorized access to E-mail, computer files or voice mail. PAFA reserves the right to allow authorized PAFA personnel to access messages and files on PAFA’s systems at any time.

Communications created, received, stored on or transmitted through PAFA’s electronic communications systems may not contain content that could be reasonably considered offensive or disruptive to any employee. Offensive content would include, but is not limited to, sexual comments or images, racial slurs, gender-specific comments or comments that would offend someone on the basis of his or her age, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, national origin or disability.

Employees learning of any misuse of PAFA’s voice-mail or E-mail systems or other violations of this policy must notify the Vice President of Human Resources or Director of Information Systems at PAFA immediately.

Any PAFA employee who violates this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.

Internet Code of Conduct

Access to the Internet has been provided to staff members for the benefit of the organization and its customers. It allows employees to connect to information resources around the world. Every staff member has a responsibility to maintain and enhance PAFA’s public image and to use the Internet in a productive manner. The provisions of this policy have been established to ensure that all employees are responsible, productive Internet users.

Acceptable Uses of the Internet

Employees accessing the Internet represent PAFA to the public. All communications should be for professional reasons. Employees are responsible for assuring that the Internet is used in an effective, ethical and lawful manner. Internet Relay Chat channels may be used to conduct official PAFA business or to gain technical or analytical advice. Databases may be accessed for information as needed. E-mail may be used for business contacts.

Unacceptable Uses of the Internet

The Internet should not be used for personal gain or advancement of individual views. Solicitation of non-PAFA business or any use of the Internet for personal gain is strictly prohibited. Use of the Internet must not disrupt the operation of PAFA network or the networks of other users.  Internet use must not interfere with your productivity.


Each employee is responsible for the content of all text, audio or images that they place or send over the Internet.  Fraudulent, harassing or obscene messages are prohibited. All messages communicated on the Internet should have your name attached. No messages will be transmitted under an assumed name. Users may not attempt to obscure the origin of any message. Information published on the Internet should not violate or infringe upon the rights of others. No abusive, profane or offensive language is to be transmitted through the system. Employees who wish to express personal opinions on the Internet must not use PAFA’s equipment for this purpose.


To prevent computer viruses from being transmitted through the system, there will be no unauthorized downloading of any software. All software downloads will be done only with the approval of the Director of Information Systems.

Copyright Issues

Copyrighted materials belonging to entities other than PAFA may not be transmitted by staff members on the Internet.  One copy of copyrighted material may be

downloaded for your own personal use in research. Users are not permitted to copy, transfer, rename, add or delete information or programs belonging to other users unless given express permission to do so by the owner. Failure to observe copyright or license agreements may result in disciplinary action from PAFA or legal action by the copyright owner.


All messages created, sent or retrieved over the Internet are the property of PAFA and should be considered public information. PAFA reserves the right to access and monitor all messages and files on the computer system as deemed necessary and appropriate. Internet messages are public communications and are not private. All communications including text and images can be disclosed to law enforcement or other third parties without prior consent of the sender or the receiver.


Violations of any guidelines listed above may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. If necessary, PAFA will advise appropriate legal officials of violations.